Answers to Some of Life’s Questions

Life is a journey that we all travel, and just like in any journey, there are detours and bumps along the road. Specifically, in this journey called life, problems arise. Whether those problems are brought on by our own choices or they simply cross our path, we often find ourselves searching for answers. That search may lead us to good answers, or to not-so-good answers. Perhaps you’ve landed here because you’re still searching for some answers. The good news is, there is hope, and we trust you will find some answers as you search these pages.


At some point in time, we’re all going to deal with the loss of someone we love. Death, unfortunately, is a reality of life and it hurts. It’s possible that you’ve received an unfavorable diagnosis from a doctor, or that you’re struggling to move forward following the loss of a family member or loved one. If so, please…..

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We want to be strong and in control. We want others to see our determination to make it in this world. But frequently, fear keeps us from moving forward. Maybe that fear comes from a bad experience, or maybe it simply shows up one day for no apparent reason. Mark Twain said, “Courage isn’t the lack of fear, it is acting in spite of it.” But sometimes we need more than a great quote to calm the fears. If you find yourself dealing with fear, please…..

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Circumstances of life often close in around us, leaving us in a cocoon of helplessness. Our minds, our desires, our passions and often even our relationships begin to suffer. As we try to make sense of this broken and crazy world, many find themselves feeling depressed and without direction. If you’re feeling this way, please…….

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Whether it shows up in anticipation of the first date or the ensuing exam, or maybe because of the rumors at work about restructuring, anxiety is difficult to overcome. Maybe you look at your bank account and realize there’s just not enough there, so what do you do as the anxiety mounts? If anxiety has invaded your life and you’re looking for an answer, please…..

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Hope is a word we throw around casually. “I hope I get…… I hope to see……” But hope itself is a deeper matter, and when hope is missing, that hopeless feeling can be utterly overwhelming. Hopelessness leads down paths that we might never otherwise consider, but there is an answer. If hopelessness is overwhelming you, please…..

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Life can often be a frustrating journey. We like to “know” what to do, what the next step is. Unfortunately, we often find ourselves in situations that leave us uncertain about what to do. You get confused and it seems like everyone else understands what is going  better than  you do.   If you find yourself in a situation where you’ve been betrayed, please…..

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Guilt is a powerful, and most people carry, at least a little bit with them. But guilt can sometimes be overwhelming. Feelings of remorse, wanting to, “fix it”, the uncertainty of what to do next…. Guilt can be all consuming, and if you find yourself trying to overcome an all-consuming sense of guilt, please…..

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Who hasn’t felt insignificant at one time or another? Maybe you’re the life of the party, but when the party is over no one knows you exist. Or maybe you feel like no one knows you exist regardless of the party. Our real value as people is far greater than simply how we feel about ourselves. If you find yourself feeling like you don’t matter and that your contribution to life is insignificant, please…..

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Shame is deep. Shame is powerful. Shame makes us afraid. Shame keeps us from moving forward in our lives. Shame steals all of life’s joy and makes taking the next step an enormous struggle. But there is a solution. If you’ve been dealing with shame, please…..

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