Who hasn’t felt insignificant at one time or another? Maybe you’re the life of the party, but when the party is over no one knows you exist. Or maybe you feel like no one knows you exist regardless of the party. Our real value as people is far greater than simply how we feel about ourselves.

It’s easy to feel worthless when people ignore us, and it’s hard to stand up and be counted when we feel alone against the crowd. Feeling insignificant hurts, but regardless of our feelings, we do have real value. In fact, the Bible tells us that God made us in His image. Life may chip away at our souls, but God sees you as priceless. So much so, that he sent His only Son into our world to take our away our pain and offer us a new start.

Jesus Christ sees you as incredibly valuable. He sees your hurt and pain, yet he knows that you have real worth. Better still, he’s ready to take away the mess your life has become and offer you healing and forgiveness for whatever wrong things you have done. Instead of feeling insignificant, you can feel treasured by God. You can know the joy of belonging.

If you are tired of feeling insignificant, if you are tired of feeling invisible in a crowd, it is time to receive Jesus’ offer of new life. It begins with a simple prayer like this:

“Dear Jesus, I’m tired of feeling insignificant. I want to have a relationship with you. I’m putting my trust in you and asking for your forgiveness for the things I’ve done wrong. Thank you for seeing the value in me and help me to see myself through your eyes. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen!”

If you prayed that prayer, you have made one of the most important decisions of your life! We would like to know about your decision and want to help you learn more about your relationship with Jesus Christ. Please complete the information below to continue your journey. Feel free to ask us any questions you have about your decision.