Hope is a word we throw around casually. “I hope I get…… I hope to see……” But hope itself is a deeper matter, and when hope is missing, that hopeless feeling can be utterly overwhelming. Hopelessness leads down paths that we might never otherwise consider, but there is an answer.

Sometimes it seems like everything is going wrong; we face a long, dry season, hoping to experience something that brings hope and joy. You may have so much debt that you think you’ll never get above water again. Or maybe you’re in a relationship that has become difficult and that drains you of your hope. Perhaps you’ve lied to yourself and said that you can go on with things the way they are now, but inside, you know that something has tl change. Maybe you placed your hope on someone and were disappointed. Sometimes, we can be fooled by things that appear real but really rob us of joy and hope.

At some point, you will discover that false hope has made your life dry and difficult and you may want to give up. You may feel that there is no way forward and that you will die in that dry place of hopelessness.

But know this: There is genuine hope that can bring joy back to you! Like rain on a drought-ridden desert, hope refreshes your life and brings you lasting peace. Such hope comes from placing your trust in Jesus Christ. Jesus came to solve a problem that every man and woman faces. It’s called “sin.”

The Bible says that because of the wrong things we do, everyone falls short of who God wants us to be. Because of the wrong things that we do, sin separates us from God. But, Jesus came to earth over two thousand years ago to pay the price for our sins. When he died in our place on the cross, he broke the power of sin and death and created a new relationship with God for us. By rising from the dead, his promise of new life became sure and certain.

When you allow Jesus Christ to take control of your life then he will bring life giving forgiveness into your situation and bring you hope; real hope. With Jesus in your life, you will never face your problems alone. You can stand with Jesus and he will guide you through life in ways that are far better than you can ever think or imagine. Jesus will put your life together again and walk with you step by step.

Pray this prayer to discover real hope:

“Dear Jesus, I feel like I’m as dry as a desert. It’s a place where I have no hope. Please forgive me of the wrong things I have done and send genuine hope into my life like rain in the desert. I put my life in your hands and ask you to take control of my life now. Thank you.”

If you prayed that prayer, you have made one of the most important decisions of your life! We would like to know about your decision and want to help you learn more about your relationship with Jesus Christ. Please complete the information below to continue your journey. Feel free to ask us any questions you have about your decision.