Circumstances of life often close in around us, leaving us in a cocoon of helplessness. Our minds, our desires, our passions and often even our relationships begin to suffer. As we try to make sense of this broken and crazy world, many find themselves feeling depressed and without direction.

Someone once said that “depression is your mind telling your body it is tired.” That simple definition explains a lot. There’s a lengthy list of things that make us mentally tired. It can be the loss of a loved one or the loss of a job. Maybe it’s the loss of a relationship or being overlooked for a promotion. And then there are the financial challenges that cause us to feel down. The number of causes for depression is almost limitless.

When depression shows up, your world stops working. You can feel stuck, emotionless, and empty. Depression hurts so much, yet it seems that there’s no one who cares or understands.

But the truth is, there is someone who cares about you and what you’re dealing with. And He is willing to help you overcome your depression. His name is Jesus Christ. He is God’s Son. He came to this world with a message, you are loved!

Yes, this world is crazy and broken, but that’s not on you. It’s because mankind failed when we chose to sin against God. We fell short of his desire for us and now, the only way to find peace and resolve the problems we face in our world is to find his forgiveness and grace.

Jesus gives all of us an opportunity to change, really change. He can help you overcome the feelings of depression and make a brand new start in life. The reason he can do this for you is that he paid the price of your sins and went to the cross in your place. If you choose, you can experience his forgiveness and begin a relationship with him today. It begins by trusting him and telling God that you’re sorry for the wrong things that you’ve done.

This simple prayer may help:

“Dear Jesus. I am sorry for the wrong things I have done. I feel so stuck right now and I need your help. Please come into my life and help me to begin again. I choose to live for you. In Jesus’ name, Amen!”

If you prayed that prayer, you have made one of the most important decisions of your life! We would like to know about your decision and want to help you learn more about your relationship with Jesus Christ. Please complete the information below to continue your journey. Feel free to ask us any questions you have about your decision.