LifePoint is eager to connect with young families and come alongside them on their journey of parenting and walking with Jesus. It’s always exciting to see a young family that’s eager to follow God and raise their family to do the same. On that journey, a question that is often asked by parents is:

What is the difference between Infant Baptism and Baby Dedication, and which does LifePoint practice?

Great question! At LifePoint we practice Baby Dedication, and here’s why:

Some parents make the decision to have their child baptized. LifePoint practices Baby Dedication rather than baptism because Scripture teaches that baptism is an expression of an individual who has placed their faith in Jesus for salvation/forgiveness. There is a strong connection in Scripture between an individual making a decision to follow Christ and then being baptized, because baptism is an outward expression of what has taken place within one’s heart. In other words, to be baptized, a person must first believe. A baby or young child cannot make the decision to believe. As much as we pray that the child will make the decision to follow Jesus at a later date, at such a young age the child is too young and cannot comprehend sin and the need for forgiveness. So child baptism isn’t an expression of the child as much as it is an expression of the faith of the parents.

Baby Dedication, while not commanded in Scripture, was clearly practiced as part of the faith of the family. There are at least 2 examples of parents dedicating children to God. The first is in the Old Testament where Hannah dedicates Samuel to the service of the Lord (1 Samuel 1:24-28). The second is where Joseph and Mary bring Jesus to the temple to present him to the Lord. (Luke 2:21 & 22) This was a normal practice for the Hebrew/Jewish people.

A Baby Dedication is, in reality, more about the parents than the child. At LifePoint, when a parent dedicates their child we ask that they commit themselves to four things:

To accept the responsibility as the primary spiritual leader of their child’s life.
To teach their child God’s word and lead them to a faith in Christ.
To model the love and grace of our Heavenly Father to their children.
To raise their child actively involved in church.

This is important, because parents have the most influence in their child’s spiritual development. 

One other element of Baby Dedication at LifePoint is the commitment of the congregation. Just as the parents are asked to commit to the four things mentioned above, the church family is asked to commit to:

Love and pray for the parents as they seek to follow God in raising the child.
Pray for the child’s salvation.
Set a Godly example for the child in words and actions.
Support LifePoint so that the child will always have a place to learn more about Jesus.

Child Dedication services are scheduled through the year. If you have further questions, or would like to have your child dedicated, please contact the church office.