worshipThanks for checking out LifePoint Assembly. As you move through the pages here you’re going to see evidence of an exciting church filled with great people who make up the LifePoint church family.

Worship here incorporates a blend of contemporary and traditional music that keeps us focused on God. Practical, Biblical messages help us understand the incredible love God has for us and give us the tools to live His plan for our lives every day.

At LifePoint you’ll find a warm, caring and exciting church made up of friendly, active and involved people from many backgrounds….but we’re on a mission, and that mission is to bring people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

Check out the rest of the site. You’ll find the service schedule, along with a listing of some of the ministries at the church. If you have children, you’ll want to take note of the Children & Youth page to learn about some of the activities and ministry for young people.

If you have any questions, give me a call, or, send me an e-mail at: pcdevos@iowatelecom.net. I’ll be glad to help you any way I can.

I hope to see you in the near future!! Until then, God bless you!

Pastor Chuck

Check out this week’s bulletin here.