
There’s a story about an evangelist who was preaching in a city in California and a gentleman walked up to him and said, “I would love to debate you.” The evangelist, recognizing the man as a well known atheist, said “Fine, but I have one condition”.  The atheist said “What’s that?”

He replies, “You go find one person who has lost everything. They lost their family and all that they valued. They’re in the deepest, darkest despair because of  drugs, alcohol, gambling or some other addiction. Find that person whom I’ve just described, who turned it all around when they found atheism. Find that person who found atheism and radical change, radical transformation came from it. Find that person whose life was completely changed, who became a new person centered in things that matter and they left behind their pain and depression because of atheism. You bring that person with you and I will bring a hundred people that had a radical change because of the Gospel. Then we’ll debate.”

The object of the story is that atheism can argue against God all day long, but atheism has never caused transformation in people lives and the gospel has. People ask where is the evidence of your God? It’s in the transformation!

1 Peter 2:9 says, “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.

Atheism can’t do any of that…….but following Jesus can!