
Pastor Chuck Swindoll tells the story of the great violinist Niccolo Paganini, who was performing one evening before a packed concert hall, surrounded by a full orchestra. As he began the final piece, one of the strings on his violin snapped. In his genius, Paganini was able to continue playing the piece on the remaining three strings.

A moment later, a second string snapped. Paganini continued, playing the concerto on the remaining two strings.

And then a third string snapped, but still Paganini continued. He finished the piece, note for note, with one string on his violin.

When the performance was over, the crowd rose in thunderous applause.

Paganini, ever the humble musician, raised his violin and boldly proclaimed, “Paganini and one string!” He cued the conductor, the orchestra began to play, and he performed his encore, note for note, with one string on his violin.

It’s been a challenging 10 days here in South Central Iowa. Pipes froze. Cars wouldn’t start. The shovel got heavier with every load. Then the snow plow came through and filled the driveway back in. Today is the first day in awhile that we’ve begun above zero. Combine all of that and maybe you’ve been feeling like you’re “down to one string”. Or maybe you’re feeling like your marriage is down to one string, or your financial future is down to one string, or your hope is down to one string … and you know you’re no Paganini.

Here’s the good news.

One string is enough. God’s grace is that amazing. His power is that invincible. His love, that unstoppable.

If you feel like one string is all you have left — and maybe it’s about to snap, too — it’s time to stop trying to be one-man/one-woman show. Let God do in your life what only He can do. Here’s what David said in Psalm 55:

As for me, I will call upon God; and the Lord shall save me. (Psalm 55:16)

If you’re down to one string, call on the Lord and keep playing friend! You have God’s orchestra right there with you!!