

You, Your Bible and 2024

Most people have a Bible. Many people have more than one, and some people (like me) have a bookshelf full of them……but do the owners of said Bibles read them? Statistics tell us that the answer is…..sadly…..no, they don’t. Statistically, Christians would be the exception to that, right? Not really. Studies have shown that, while Christians have a “higher than average” (whatever “average” is) Bible reading rate, it’s still not overwhelming.

There can be a gazillion reasons for this, but some of the primary reasons given by people is, “I don’t know what to read,” or, “I don’t know where to start,” or, “I’m not sure how to read it.” Whatever reason you my have, as we launch into a new year, I’d like to help with that.

One of the things I say over and over again is, “You should read your Bible, it’s fascinating!” And it is! But it’s even more fascinating…..and more helpful to your every-day-walk-with-Jesus…..if you have some kind of plan for reading it.

You don’t want to read it like the guy who was desperate one night. He opened the Bible, put down his finger and read, “…..then Judas hanged himself.”

The man thought there was some kind of mistake, so he closed the Bible, opened it to another passage, put down his finger and read, “…..go and do likewise”.

Again, the man thought it wasn’t right and so he did it one last time and when he put down his finger he read, “Whatever you are about to do, do it quickly”.

Using “Bible Bingo” as a reading plan can be a bit confusing! Fortunately, there are almost limitless options when it comes to finding a plan to read your Bible. With the internet, you and I have access to more information than ever before in the history of the world – and that includes access to Bible reading plans that will help us know God better. I’d like to suggest to you that you look into the YouVersion app for your Apple or Android device. YouVersion is free and provides several different translations of the Bible, along with countless Bible reading plans. Just go to the Apple store or the Google play store on your device and look for YouVersion…..download it and get started.

For those of you who prefer using a desktop/laptop computer, the same app is available online by going to BIBLE.COM. From there you can have access to all of the same Bible translations and Bible reading plans found on the mobile app.

Here’s the beauty of this app/website……..you can choose from a countless number of Bible reading plans that will help you read and learn the Bible for yourself. There are plans to help you read through the entire Bible in a year and multiple variations thereof, but there are also short plans that last for 5-30 days that you might find helpful. For example, there are short plans to help you through a challenging time at work, short plans to help strengthen your marriage or friendships, short plans to offer encouragement as you embark on a new endeavor. (God is interested in every part of your life!) So you can begin a plan to read through the Bible in a year, and then include a short plan to help you through a unique situation in your life. Again, countless options. And hey, you can always sit down in your easy chair, open your Bible to Genesis 1:1 and begin…..

Personally, I’m not big into New Year’s Resolutions……but…….what if you made a decision to read your Bible more in 2024? What might that look like for you? What I do know is this: If you choose to take that step you are going to know God better and love Him more. And hey, chances are you’ll be hearing His voice more in ‘24.

My prayer for all of us is that we will grow closer to God and grow closer in relationship with one another throughout the new year.

Happy New Year, friends!