
If you’re like most people (and you are), there are many days when you feel like the load you’re carrying is too much. Whether it’s the weight of providing for your family, or the weight of maintaining relationships, or even the weight of dealing with an illness……the weight can be heavy. When the emotional weight we are carrying is heavy, we sometimes want to stop and give up, but if you’ve ever done that you know that it’s difficult to get going again. Another response is to put things on cruise control and keep trudging along, but that only means you keep going at the same pace and don’t really make the progress you want. The third option is the one I want to suggest to you: shift gears and keep going as you ask Jesus to lighten your load. Here’s what Jesus said:

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30, NIV)

Jesus and Paul are two people in the Bible that put the qualities of resilience, endurance, and determination on full display. In spite of opposition, Jesus was determined to keep going. In spite of pain, Paul was determined to keep going. And you’re thinking, “That’s great for Jesus and Paul, but where do I get the strength to keep going when I feel like I’m tired, I’m worn out, and I don’t have the emotional energy to keep going?” Great question! Let me give you for suggestions that will help you:

First: Honestly tell God what you’re feeling. God already knows every emotion you feel and He understands your feelings better than you do. So why tell Him? Because He LOVES to listen to you, and because it eases your burden to know that someone else knows. Most of us don’t want to burden someone else with the load we’re carrying, but God says, “Bring it on! I’m ready and I want to hear from you!”

Second: Humbly ask God for strength. We’re all guilty of trying to do things on our own all the time. I recently saw a meme that said, “The number one cause of injuries in older men is them thinking they’re younger men.” This is a complex world we live in, and the burdens are heavy, so humbly ask God for strength. He is the source of wisdom and strength, so keep asking God for strength every day!

Third: Gratefully thank God for all that’s good, despite all that’s bad. We’ve all heard that every cloud has a silver lining. Whether that’s true in actual clouds or not is beyond me. But I do know that in every circumstance there is still hope. It’s sometimes difficult to find it or to be grateful in the midst of a crisis or a hard day. But when you’re worn out, or you’re experiencing burnout, that’s when you need the tool of gratitude the most to help refill your empty emotional tank.

Finally: Constantly keep God as your focus. The reason Jesus could keep going was because of what He focused on! He didn’t focus on the current pain, but on the future joy.

You’re going to have good days and bad days. That’s part of humanity. Doing these 4 things won’t keep the challenges from coming, but they’ll make it easier to keep going. And remember, God wants to help you carry that burden, so let Him!